Data Logged

When signing up for Fast Quotes, you provide different identifiable information such as name and email. Fast Quotes stores this information in our database for later reference. Fast Quotes also collects credit card information but does not store it. Fast Quotes uses a third party payment processor (Stripe) which takes care of securely storing card information.

In order to help us better understand how people use Fast Quotes, we use a number of analytics tools in order to track user behavior. To track site traffic Fast Quotes uses Google Analytics.


Fast Quotes uses a temporary cookie to authenticate logged in users. This is not used to track any activity outside of


Fast Quotes will abide by a valid subpoena request, however, each legal request is scrutinized for valid intent in regards to the law. Fast Quotes will make all attempts, when valid and possible, to inform the User of the request so that they have the opportunity to object to it. Any unconstitutional request will be denied.


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